Accessing Redis via the Proxy object ==================================== By mixing the type system from redish with the original redis-py's Redis object, the :doc:`redish.proxy ` module gives a different kind of access to the key-value store without pickling/unpickling and by respecting the strengths in Redis's types. In other words, it transparently exposes Redis as a data structure server. Basics ------ Example:: >>> from redish import proxy >>> x = proxy.Proxy() Ordinary key/value usage encodes strings as UTF-8, and returns unicode objects when accessing by key:: >>> x["foo"] = "bar" >>> x["foo"] u'bar' Deletion and invalid keys work as expected:: >>> del x["foo"] >>> x["foo"] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "redish/", line 29, in __getitem__ raise KeyError(key) KeyError: 'foo' Integer (or Counter) -------------------- When reading an integer, the proxy transparently passes an object that mimics the behaviour of int, but is actually stored and fetched from the Redis store:: >>> x["z"] = 1 >>> x["z"] 1 >>> x["z"].__class__ Increment and decrement operations translate directly to Redis commands:: >>> x["z"] += 2 >>> x["z"] 3 And all other operations you would expect to perform on an integer are present:: >>> 3. * x["z"] 9.0 The proxy object can be assigned to another variable, and it will point to the same value in the Redis store. For the most part, you can treat the variable the same way:: >>> z = x["z"] >>> z += 1 >>> z 4 >>> x["z"] 4 However, it is not the same in all respects: reassigning the variable is not the same as setting the value on the key:: >>> z = 5 >>> x["z"] 4 >>> z 5 >>> z.__class__ Dictionary ---------- By assigning a key to a dictionary type, a hash data type is created in the Redis store. When the key is accessed, it returns a type that mimics a python dict:: >>> x["dictionary"] = {"a": "b", "c": "d"} >>> x["dictionary"] {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'} You may access, create, test, and destroy keys within that hash as if they were native Python keys in a dict:: >>> x["dictionary"]["c"] 'd' >>> x["dictionary"]["e"] = "f" >>> "e" in x["dictionary"] True >>> x["dictionary"].__class__ List ---- By assigning a key in the Proxy object to a list type, a list is created in the Redis store. When the key is accessed, it returns a type that mimics a python list:: >>> x["Liszt"] = ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] >>> x["Liszt"] ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] >>> x["Liszt"].extend(["a", "b", "c"]) >>> x["Liszt"] ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'a', 'b', 'c'] >>> x["Liszt"][-1] 'c' >>> x["Liszt"].pop() 'c' >>> x["Liszt"][-1] 'b' Set --- By assigning a key in the Proxy object to a set type, a set is created in the Redis store. When the key is accessed, it returns a type that mimics a python set:: >>> x["set"] = set(["opera", "firefox", "ie", "safari"]) >>> s = x["set"] >>> "opera" in s True >>> s.remove("safari") >>> "safari" in s False >>> list(s) ['opera', 'ie', 'firefox'] It may be useful to point out that assignment to a key on the proxy object copies by value:: >>> x["game"] = x["set"] >>> x["game"].add("mobilesafari") True >>> x["game"] set(['opera', 'ie', 'firefox', 'mobilesafari']) >>> x["set"] set(['opera', 'ie', 'firefox']) Sorted Set ---------- There is no native Python equivalent of a Sorted Set. However, it resembles a specialized dictionary in which all the values are numeric. The local implementation of the Sorted Set type (ZSet) uses a dictionary in this way to initialize its values:: >>> from redish.types import ZSet >>> zs = ZSet({'c': 3, 'b': 2, 'a': 1}) >>> zs ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> zs[-1] 'c' The proxied equivalent in which the data resides on the Redis server is created when setting a key to an object of the ZSet class, and is generated when retrieving such a set:: >>> x["zs"] = zs >>> x["zs"].rank("a") 0 >>> x["zs"].range_by_score(2,3) ['b', 'c'] >>> x["zs"].remove("c") >>> x["zs"].items() [('a', 1.0), ('b', 2.0)] Proxy objects in general ------------------------ A Proxy object retains all the normal methods from Redis object:: >>> x.keys() ['z', 'dictionary', 'Liszt', 'set', 'game'] >>> x.bgsave() True Keyspaces in proxy objects -------------------------- The fact that Redis offers a flat keyspace in each of its databases is a great benefit: it does not presuppose any structure for the keys, and access is fast and unencumbered. However, users are likely to want some structure in using keys, and the Keyspaces feature is a first attempt at making key name patterns accessible to users. At the heart, a "keyspace" is a formatstring with an associated label. Access is achieved by accessing elements in the proxy with a tuple argument, with the label as the first element of the tuple and the following elements used as inputs to the formatstring:: >>> x.register_keyspace('myspace', "person:%04d:name") 'myspace' >>> x['myspace', 1] = "Bob" >>> x['person:0001:name'] u'Bob' The label string is returned to facilitate structured and symbolic use of the keyspaces, so the following is equivalent to the above:: >>> UNAME = x.register_keyspace('myspace', "person:%04d:name") >>> x[UNAME, 1] = "Bob" >>> x['myspace', 1] u'Bob' One can debug the keyspaces by feeding a tuple to ``actual_key``:: >>> x.actual_key((UNAME, 202)) 'person:0202:name' One can also obtain a keyspace as a subset of all the keys in the database, allowing you to treat the keyspace as a dict:: >>> names = x.keyspace(UNAME) >>> names[1] u'Bob' If you like, you can bypass labeling altogether and initialize a keyspace using a formatstring alone as a pattern:: >>> namez = x.keyspace("person:%04d:name") >>> namez[1] u'Bob' Not only can you get ``keys`` that match a (glob-style) pattern, as in ``redis.keys()``, but you can also get ``values`` and ``items``. When fed a keyspace label as an argument, the formatstring is converted to a glob-style pattern. When used with keyspaced proxies, no argument is needed, and the keyspace's formatstring is converted into a glob-style pattern. The following are thus equivalent:: >>> r.keys('person:*:name') ['person:0001:name'] >>> r.keys('myspace') ['person:0001:name'] >>> names.keys() ['person:0001:name'] All these features can be combined:: >>> ZZ = x.register_keyspace('friends', '%(type)s:%(id)04d:friends') >>> friendstore = x.keyspace(ZZ) >>> namestore = x.keyspace('%(type)s:%(id)04d:name') >>> frank = {'type': 'person', 'id': 203, ... 'friends': set([204, 1]), 'name': 'Frank'} >>> fido = {'type': 'pet', 'id': 204, ... 'name': 'Fido', 'friends': set([1, 202])} >>> for o in [frank, fido]: ... friendstore[o] = o['friends'] ... namestore[o] = o['name'] >>> x['person:0203:friends'] >>> x['pet:0204:friends'].intersection(friendstore[frank]) set(['1']) >>> friendstore.items() [('person:0203:friends', ), ('pet:0204:friends', )] >>> namestore[frank] u'Frank' I have no idea at this point if these experimental features are useful to others, but they are fairly minimal, independent, and make sense to me. Feedback is appreciated.